Coming Up Leon

A surprise party is in the works, but the guest of honour, Leon, has gone AWOL. Deliver the cake, collect Leon's boyfriend, and make sure you get Leon back in time!


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You pick up a call from your friend Momo who says there's a small problem. You're preparing a surprise party for your friend Leon and Momo had told you that today was the perfect day, but they were wrong. Momo's housemate Ryan takes over and explains that they don't know where Leon is. He isn't at university today and he doesn't have a shift at work. Could you look for him? Momo says he's probably at Marnie's coffee shop and you should swing by the flat on your way there.
You reach the flat and Ryan greets you. Apparently Leon picked up a shift at the arts and crafts store this morning. It's across town but he should be finished by now. Leon's boyfriend, Anthony, is going to be arriving at the train station soon though, so could you go and meet him?
You find Anthony at the train station. He's just got off the phone with Leon, and is worried because he seems really upset. He's also weighed down with a huge easel: a gift for Leon. He's not allowed to tell Leon he's in London so he doesn't ruin the surprise. Could you check on Leon for him? Leon left work early and said he was going to a park but it's started raining and it'll be dark soon, so please find him and make sure he gets back safely. Anthony will join you as soon as he's dropped off the easel.
Ryan calls you again. He'd thought that Leon seemed really happy and that his parents took his coming out as queer well, but maybe he was mistaken. Momo interrupts to tell you that their girlfriend has located Leon. He's in the park opposite Marnie's coffee shop, probably writing poetry. Could you pick him up? And make sure to tell him that there's a party with balloons and cake and his wonderful boyfriend!
You find Leon in the park and he tells you it's been a funny day. He explains that he told his parents that he was transgender and about his boyfriend, and his mum had told him she was so proud of him, and his dad had called him 'my boy'! It sounds weird to be crying because things went well and he knows he's got it better than a lot of people. But it feels huge for everyone important in his life to call him by his real name for the first time. You're interrupted when Leon gets a call from Ryan and that spurs him into action. There's a party to get to and it's all coming up Leon!
You make it to the party and Leon thanks you all for putting it together for him. Momo leads you in a toast to Leon!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Calvin Joyal
Six to Start Ensemble
Robyn Holdaway
Torian Brackett
Yves Donlon
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam