You're Still The One

Sigrid takes you on a trip down memory lane, to when she and Van Ark first met.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Before you can set off on your run with Sigrid, Ian interrupts for a quick word about his position at Abel, and Owen's punishment. Sigrid puts him in his place and whisks you away somewhere more private.
Sigrid has decided she can trust you, and to show that trust she confides in you the story of how she met Van Ark, and got to this important point in her life.
It was a literal collision with destiny when Sigrid and Van Ark, or Ernest, met during their student days. They ran into each other in that classic nerd-with-books vs runner way, and hated each other instantly.
On the way to a talk by Professor Holloway, Sigrid and Ernest bumped into each other again, metaphorically this time. They discovered they had more in common than they thought, and hit it off.
At a conference in Paris, while sheltering from rain under the doorway of Notre Dame cathedral, Ernest proposed in the least romantic way possible - as a way for Sigrid to get a permanent British visa.
With only a marriage of convenience, Sigrid kept her true feelings hidden. It wasn't until Moonchild persuaded her she had to break away that Ernest realised he really did love his wife.
After their reconciliation at the airport Sigrid and Ernest agreed to do everything together from then on, including working on the zombie virus. Sigrid thought she'd put safeguards in place, but one little slip up with Patient 29 and the virus was released 10 years too soon.
Right from the start of the apocalypse Sigrid and Ernest agreed; he would have to play the villain and she would have to play the hero. Sigrid doesn't blame you for Ernest's death, that was how it had to be.
Back at Abel Sigrid's transport to London has arrived, and she has to be going. Ian is positively delighted to be placed in charge while she's away.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Ian Golightly
Jonathan Leinmuller
Natasha Staples
Running Coach
Six to Start Ensemble
Sigrid Hakkinen (The Minister)
Sarah Ratherham
Van Ark
Philip Jennings
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman