King of My Castle

Today is the day of King Jaime's execution for 'treachery' so you'll have to be fast on this rescue mission.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Tensions are high as you, Peter and Paula, wait in Ministry controlled territory for King Jamie's execution. If the first stage of the plan works he won't be quite as gone as the Minister thinks, but you've only got 30 minutes to be sure of that.
Jody walks you through the plan again, and the very specific set of circumstances that have led you to this point. To keep on track you'll need to run over the rooftops to your next destination.
Secrecy is of the utmost importance on this mission, if you want to preserve the uneasy peace with the Ministry. Unfortunately the power station guard you're trailing, Aguilar, has been tipped off, so you'll have to alter the plan.
The area Aguilar uses for cover is strangely normal for post-apocalypse London. You've been spotted however, and the plan may be unravelling...
While searching for Aguilar, the rest of the team laments the current political state of affairs. Suddenly Paula and Sam spot your target, so you'll all need to run to catch him!
With a little help from your friends you catch Aguilar and disable him with the minimum amount of notice. Keys acquired, you can now go and collect Jamie.
Arriving at Bankside Power Station, Peter and Paula wonder how much of the art gallery it used to be, now survives. Your key works and you can slip inside to get your disguise.
Once you're properly dressed as maintenance workers, you make your way to collect Jamie and disguise him as well. Fortunately the plan has worked so far, and he's still alive. Unfortunately you're spotted as you go to leave the building...


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Jamie Skeet
Chris Rochester
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Dr. Maxine Myers
Sally Orrock
Six to Start Ensemble
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Sigrid Hakkinen (The Minister)
Sarah Ratherham
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman