It's Oh So Quiet

As you follow your first solid lead on Jones to Niomh Island, you're risking much more than you expect...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You join Janine, Paula, Tom and Morag Brown, a resident of Mor, to search Niomh Island for Jones's camp. Morag will guide you around the island, as she used to work at the bakery there.
Morag fills you in on Niomh Island's past as a tourist haven, which led to its infection early in the outbreak. Laird Reid enforced a strict quarantine to protect the rest of the Far Hebrides. In light of the story, Paula notices something strange: there are no zombies visible anywhere.
Tom spots the smoke, which is rising from a shack on top of a rooftop in the main town to the north-west. While Tom scouts, Janine asks Paula about how Sam is coping with the news that Frances is alive and on Dearg Island. He's been sharing old stories of Alice with Maxine. Tom returns with a chilling report: he's found all the zoms on the island, gathered in the centre of the island. They're standing dormant - unmoving, silent. You decide to climb over the rooftops of the town to reach Jones's hideout.
You climb across the rooftops as it begins to rain. Paula spots a cat, which takes a bite out of one of the zombies' legs. Janine observes that the zombies are not triggered by simple movement, and must be waiting for some other stimulus. So long as you remain on the rooftops, you should be safe.
Tom almost falls off the roof, but you are able to catch him. Janine recalls seeing zombies behaving similarly in the early days of the apocalypse. You arrive at Jones' hideout.
There's no sound coming from Jones' shack. Janine investigates, and finds the shack empty. She enters, but the door has been booby trapped. A can of pebbles rolls out of the open door, down the roof, and falls into the crowd of zombies in the street below. The noise wakes them.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Rose Wardlaw
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Tom de Luca
Alex Harland
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team