Weird Science

You get into the science centre and find more than you bargained for


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You, Sam, Shona and Janine arrive on Dearg Island, the science base of the Far Hebrides, to find out why Dearg scientists were collecting fungal seeds before the apocalypse and hopefully get help with the cure. The automatic laser turrets at the centre of the island start shooting at you, so you must move quickly to avoid them.
Janine realises the lasers have been upgraded to target humans, not just shamblers, so you must weave if you want to avoid being hit! You must run to the obelisk-shaped door to get into the base.
You're let into the building by Frances, the sister of the old Runner 5, Alice. She informs you that no one is allowed in or out and you shouldn't have come. Sterilising fluid that will burn your flesh starts pouring out of the ceiling vents, and you need to run!
You get behind a fire door, and Frances latches it for you. She reveals she's read Alice's diaries, and Alice wrote things about Sam in there. He's clearly uncomfortable about that. But before it can be discussed further, Shona notices yellow cockroaches, engineered to eat human flesh, are swarming on your location. Time to run!
As you hot foot it away from the bugs, Frances tells you that there is only she and a scant few grad students left -- there's no hope of finding Janine's cure here. She sends you down a stairwell to escape from the bugs.
Frances instructs you to set a C4 explosive on the ceiling; this will release the sterilisation fluid and kill the bugs. But you'll need to run before it explodes to ensure you don't get burnt alive!
You get inside a control room, but you also find out the truth of why no one can leave or enter the science centre. The red fungus originated here, and got into the water source. They'll try to help cure it, but no one is an expert here. Worse yet, everyone in the centre is infected, including Frances.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Frances Dempsey
Charly Afia
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Rose Wardlaw
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team