Take A Chance On Me

You're on the hunt for the Edda after receiving a mysterious message


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Amelia broadcasts from the submarine offering a reward for the recovery of the Edda. Sam says that people are bringing anything they can find to her, but Janine got a Rofflenet message that could be legitimate. Sam sends you and Jody to meet the person who sent the message, with the warning that it may be a trap.
Sam tells you to hide - he thinks he saw a figure in a grey coat, but admits that he hasn't been sleeping well and may have imagined it. Jody notices someone waiting nearby, but they run as soon as they spot you. Time to give chase!
You rugby tackle the stranger, and realise it's Rory, a young man who works in the village shop. He says that he has the Edda, and needs it to get off the island. You give him a headset so he can hear Sam. You hear a noise nearby, possibly someone following you, and run.
You feel like you're being followed. Jody asks Rory to tell you how he found the Edda. He says that he found it lying on a path and that he recognised it because his grandfather had been a Norse scholar. He also says that the island folk have been closing ranks recently. You hear movement, and a boulder comes crashing towards you, starting a landslide. Sam spots a figure in a Skincoat on the ridge, and tells you to run.
Jody coaxes Rory to tell you the truth. He admits that his grandfather was murdered when he was young, and he believes it was one of the Skincoats who did it. He told people but no-one except Chief McCallum seemed to believe him. He thinks it was due to the real reason his grandfather was hired. You hear a gunshot, and spot another Skincoat coming after you, and start to run.
Jody wonders if the Skincoats are trying to find the Edda. Rory explains that Callum wanted to move the King of the Rocks ceremony to a different island, because there was oil at the ceremony site on Mors. He thought if a Norse scholar said the traditional site was elsewhere, the islanders would respect that and move. Rory thinks the Skincoats killed his grandfather because they're the guardians of tradition. Rory points out the location where he'd hidden the Edda, and you head towards it.
You reach Rory's hiding place and find that it's been ransacked. While the box with the Edda in it has been searched, the Edda has not been stolen. Jody examines it and realises that it's a fake, probably one created by Callum and Rory's grandfather as part of their ruse to move the King of the Rocks ceremony. Rory apologies and says that he just needs to get off the islands. Sam promises that they'll protect him. Amelia breaks in, revealing that she's been listening in. She's sick of waiting, and reveals that she has a warhead pointed at the island and if she doesn't get the Edda soon she will obliterate the entire archipelago.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Sean Connaghan
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Mary Musgrave
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman