The Way We Were

Everyone is on edge, but can you really trust anything you've learned?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You and Tom are trying to keep things calm in town, but everyone is on edge because of Amelia's threats. You're approached by Morag who says that she has information for you. She tells you that one story is that the Skincoats got their name because they skinned their enemies. Sam and Tom admit that they have been dreaming of that recently. Morag asks you to accompany her and you head into the woods.
Morag explains that Jones was very different when he was younger. He had approached her for help dealing with Callum's plan to drill for oil on Mor, because Jones wanted to prevent damage to the ecosystem. He asked Morag to accompany him when he went to talk to Callum and she reluctantly agreed and followed him to the caves.
When they arrived at the site of the King of the Rocks ceremony, they found that Callum had already brought in a drill. Jones tried to dissuade him from drilling, but Callum said that there is no choice - the island needed money if they were to survive. Jones ran off towards the drill before Morag could stop him.
Morag caught up to Jones, and they found that the drill had been sabotaged. Jones insisted that it wasn't him. He got angry when Morag seemed not to believe him, and ran off again, saying that he'd talk to Callum to explain. Despite reservations, Morag followed him.
Morag tried to stop Jones going into the ceremony cavern, but he charged ahead, despite half the island being there already. He told Callum what happened to the drill, but the islanders blamed him. Callum told him to leave and they'd sort out his punishment later. Jones lost his temper and said that whoever had sabotaged the drill should have killed Callum too. Sam says he can understand why people thought Jones murdered Callum, but Morag said she never believed it. He'd seemed to like life on the mainland, but after his fiancee died, he'd stopped writing to Morag. You're interrupted by a zombie and decide to continue the conversation elsewhere.
You're heading for an old stone grain silo. Morag leads you up the stairs at the side, and tells you to open the hidden hatch. Tom reaches in and pulls out a leather bag. Morag reveals that it contains the Edda.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Six to Start Ensemble
Festival Goer
Six to Start Ensemble
Robert Bradley
Rose Wardlaw
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Tom de Luca
Alex Harland
Mary Musgrave
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman