Bonfire Heart

Your plan to search the Laird's Manor is waylaid by an uncomfortable discovery...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Jody, Sam and Tom confirm they've all been having the same red dreams, and they've been getting worse. Either it's the fungus or the knowledge that they are infected by the fungus. You, Jody and Tom are on your way to the Laird's Manor. He's away all afternoon, so you'll have time to search it.
The whole town is lighting bonfires all over the island, preparing for the naming festival. Tom reckons they have no idea what they are doing, just following instructions and hoping to survive. He also thinks that Amelia's last resort, if you can't find any answers or the Edda, will be to blow up Mor Island to get as much silver mud as possible, since it inhibits the fungus. You are approaching the Manor now, and have until the festival ends to find information.
One of the Laird's greenhouses smells suspiciously like celery. When you break in, there's nothing but traces of silver. Tom posits that the Laird must have grown fungus, and it's now gone. Tom fears that the drink Morag has been preparing for tonight's toast may have been poisoned. You have to make sure no one toasts tonight!
Shona is also at the festival, and tells you that the Laird forced her to come as usual, but there have been no Skincoat sightings. You see the Laird up on the hill around a barrel, about to toast the First Drink of the Night. You must stop them from drinking.
You manage to stop most from toasting, but one man was too eager and has already drunk. While Tom accidentally reveals you were sneaking around the Laird's house, the man begins to transform. He's clearly ingested a lot of fungus and accelerant, and fungus is now spilling out of him. Jody instructs Shona to evacuate the festival and get everyone back to town. Jody has a plan - you and Tom need to get to the bonfire before the man has turned completely!
Jody uses the bonfire to light an arrow and shoot it at the V-Type. She reveals that she has been secretly meeting with Janine to discuss how she'll take over Abel if Janine dies. The arrow hits, turning the V-Type's attention onto the three of you, so now you have to run to the wicker statue.
Jody plans to push over the wicker statue, trapping the V-Type beneath it. It'll burn up inside the statue, and not release its spores. Your job is to lure the V-Type under the statue.
The plan is a success, and the V-Type burns to nothing under the statue. But Sam hears that the islanders called an emergency meeting and decided the Laird would be King of the Rocks. They've taken the red fungus to be an ancient blessing. Jody, Sam and Tom realise that this took place in their dreams, and Tom says the Skincoats must be winning -- the red is rising.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Laird Reid
Niall Macgregor
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Rose Wardlaw
Tom de Luca
Alex Harland
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman