Heartbreak Hotel

Skull Kicker has a special way of collecting debts.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You've been sent on a mission from Skull Kicker to repay your debt, and she's keeping Janine and Maryam as her 'guests' in the meantime. Skull Kicker wants you to kill the chief of a nearby ksar and bring back a pendant as proof. Veronica is working on a way to retrieve the pendant without killing anyone, but you'll have to move fast.
You take a look over the ksar from the ramparts, and Mo points out that it must have been a fancy resort hotel at one point. You hear a zombie scream from within. Peter suggests just telling Skull-Kicker that everyone is now a zombie, but Mo insists that won't work and will get Janine and Maryam killed.
You make it into the hotel, and realise that the zombie noises you heard are actually goats, just in time to be surrounded by people carrying guns, including the person you were sent to kill. This isn't part of the plan. Run!
The guards are chasing you and they know the area better. Also, they have guns. Frances saw the pendant; it looks like a hotel keycard. Veronica drops a plan into Sam's head. Follow him!
Veronica tells you that Zidane is going to show up alone in the next fifteen seconds, and when she does, you need to grab her. You manage to capture her, and Veronica points out that despite knowing the place well, none of her people shot them. They don't have any ammo. Zidane tells you to take what you want and leave her people alone. However, she can't give up her pendant; it's the master key to the hotel. There was another key, but the owner became a zombie and is locked in the underground suites. Still, no-one is put off by a little danger!
The roof of the underground suites collapsed, so now it's open to the sky, and only good for a zombie prison. Sam and Frances will keep watch from above while you and Peter head down. The ladder breaks partway down, but Peter's scream attracted the zombies, including the one you want! Frances tells you to lure the zombie over and then she'll drop a statue on top of it. You manage to grab the keycard necklace, but there are more zoms after you. Lots more zoms.
You make it up the ladder with seconds to spare, and the zombies are still trapped underground. Zidane tells you that the keycard opens a lot of doors in Tunisia; the hotel was part of a chain. No wonder Skull Kicker wants it! Veronica says it would be useful to you to keep the key, so maybe there's a way to win it back from Skull Kicker.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Frances Dempsey
Charly Afia
Yannick Budd
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Isabelle Fara
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team