You Wouldn't Know

You may have made it out of Valmont's prison, but you're far from free. You've a long journey to go, and the weather is not on your side.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Valmont's base has exploded, but you're on Mont Blanc and things are looking bleak. At least ANNIE doesn't want to kill you right now while you're still useful. Sam is also in bad shape after his confinement. ANNIE says there's a lodge down the mountain where there should be a snow mobile. As you walk, you hear an awful creaking noise and ANNIE explains that the explosions are likely to have triggered avalanches. You should probably pick up the pace.
Snow blindness is a real danger so you try to swap off who's leading so the other can keep their eyes closed for a bit. At least you're not locked up now, although ANNIE does not consider that free; you are freezing to death on his mountain and she is hard coded to love him. You have just under two hours until you are immobilised by hypothermia, and thirty-seven minutes until the snow blindness incapacitates you. Sam's numbers are bleaker so you need to go as fast as you can.
Sam is exhausted and the cold is even draining ANNIE's battery. She says that she asked Valmont for a body many times but he dislikes it when ANNIE starts becoming something without his control. There have been incidents of her accessing his super soldiers. There are so many of her and she thinks a body would help her, but Valmont likes her broken and she doesn't remember who she was before he shattered her. There's a strange noise, and you realise there are zombies approaching. They're slower than normal, but so are you. Take the lead!
Sam is attacked by a snowboarding zom, but you take it out with a ski pole. ANNIE doesn't understand why you are bothering to help Sam when he's a liability, and Sam attempts to explain the concept of friendship to her. She recognises some of the zombies: they'd come to the facility at the start of the plague asking for help and ANNIE had refused to allow them in, and then they'd died.
You think the snow has started to collapse, and ANNIE says her battery is running low and she is sure you'll abandon her then. Sam insists that they won't even if she is awful. Sam says that he was locked up alone for months and eventually he stopped feeling anything, stopped feeling like a person. He thinks ANNIE is a person and he doesn't think Valmont has ever treated her like one and that isn't okay. ANNIE sounds less than impressed. You hear the sound of an avalanche. Your chances are slim, but you're nearly at the cabin!
You've reach the lodge! ANNIE is surprised at Sam's insistence that you won't leave her behind, and she says that she lured assistance here; Five's blood is the key to stopping Valmont and the experiment he was performing in Venice. She says that she isn't right and there's something in there with her, and then she shuts down. The cabin opens and Mo greets you. ANNIE was his contact, and he had delivered the sample to her for analysis. The things you took from the base are a cure and you need to move quickly, or else Maxine will die.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Maddy Searle
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Katie (Tom) Walters