Nowhere to Run

Caught between a rock and a hard place, it's difficult to know who to turn to. Does Valmont really hold all the cards?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Valmont monologues about trapping you and Sam, and says that the cure on the island isn't even the final version. He gets distracted when an antipersonnel turret lowers. A printer behind you prints the words 'Weakling, get down'. Duck! The turret fires at Valmont and Slava, and breaks a window. You can escape through it but you're high up. ANNIE must have done it. The paper she printed says it's her last second of charge. Run down the fire escape!
Soldiers pursue you with orders to kill, but some crates fall on them. Someone calls out to you – it's Janine! Your window to escape is narrowing. Get moving!
Sam is delighted to see Janine, and she even permits a hug. She says the plague has already struck the UK, and Amelia and Janine's people have fallen back to Alderney. You approach the town, but Valmont is dropping fungal accelerant, and it quickly turns everyone into zombies which try to grab you. you meet up with Paula who promises that Sara is safe. The island's children aren't infected and you load them onto a milk float. Get moving, because the zombies are after you!
The float is out of battery, and even though you're near the speedboat you can use to escape, the children will never make it down the cliff and the zoms are nearly on you. Amelia interrupts, using artillery to shoot at the zoms. You'll still need to distract the rest of the zoms while the kids get to the boat. Amelia warns you that she won't let those zoms off the island, even if she has to flatten you. Paula takes the children, and then rest of you go to lure the zoms away.
You reach the boat but Valmont is waiting for you along with Slava. Surrender or she'll start shooting. And Amelia is nearby to watch the fireworks. Her ship begins firing in one minute, no matter what. Valmont mocks you with his control of the UK, but slinks off. And the zombies are cresting the hill. Get after Amelia because the ship will fire soon.
You reach Amelia's boat as the ship begins shelling the beach. Amelia is annoyed that Janine didn't believe her about Valmont being dangerous for years. His jet drops bombs to destroy the factory. Amelia has sent Veronica to Europe with Ranger Five so you have no way to make a real cure – of course people will take Valmont's. Sam thinks ANNIE might help, since she cured Venice, but if she needs fixing, you'll have to go to the UK.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Andrew Futaishi
Maria Louis
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Harriet Madeley
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Elliott Gresswell