The Season One Community Run

Event live now

July 15, 2024

Join us aboard Jolly Alpha Five Niner. What could go wrong?

We're going back to where it all started, and we're going together! The Season One Community Run is a shared challenge for ZR fans new & old. Every week starting on August 19th we'll take on three missions from Season One of the Abel Township Saga.

Every one of us has a personal reason why we connected with the Abel Township Saga. It might have been a key plot twist, a revealing character moment, or perhaps it’s when we hit a fitness milestone. For many, that moment came somewhere in Season One.

Community is at the heart of what we do at Six to Start. A good story creates water cooler moments and connects us with like-minded people. That’s why we’re going to take on Season One together, and open our discussion forum, Rofflenet, to those who join us.

If you’re yet to try Zombies, Run!, or if you’ve been badgering a friend to give it a go, this is the perfect moment to jump in.

We’ll enhance your experience with an interactive scorecard, weekly challenges, and lots of fun surprises along the way. While you might choose to view this as a summer fitness challenge, you can also – as always – take it at your own pace and walk or listen as you do the housework.

We can’t wait to hear your stories. Are you ready, Runner Five?
