
Do you like the chill on the back of your neck? Do you crave the adrenaline rush of fear? Do you need something terrifying to run from? Then our horror collection is for you!

The 13th Runner

Is this running route a tough challenge, or are you being trolled?

White Out

The wilderness does strange things to the mind. Is this a case of someone lost in the snow, or is there something more sinister lying in wait?

Little Red

A basket full of medicine for grandmother, and a walk through the deep, dark woods. But are there worse things than wolves on your trail?

Track the Ripper

Along with Detective Marsh and Sergeant Swift, you'll have to be fleet of foot and sharp of wit to catch Jack the Ripper before the next attack.

Negative Space

The Starship Hephaestus has been silent for three months. Your team is there to investigate the transmission failure and recover the crew. What could possibly go wrong?

Lost in the Corn

A summer picnic with your best friends takes a turn for the deadly. What's lurking between the rows of corn?

Between the Lines

A man with mysterious motives, a long abandoned house, and a secret that bled into the ground itself.

Venus Rising

Pandora Haze's Venus Cloud colony went dark seven months ago, and you've been sent to investigate. Is there something more sinister at work than broken equipment?