
Shut away with no Rofflenet connection, it's lucky that Sam has Janine's notes for company!


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Here we are again. Sam is starting to see shapes in the wallpaper after being cooped up inside for so long. He thinks that the stain in the corner looks like Vasco De Gama, but he can't check that because Janine is using the Rofflenet connection for something important. She's probably using it for planning crop rotations, but she may also be creating a list of her top five military leaders. The only thing making Sam feel better is broadcasting so he's taking over exercise duty again, and maybe if he does well, Janine will let him help out in the vegetable garden. Sam's going to play a song, so warm up with dancing, star jumps, skipping or running on the spot - anything to get you moving!
Today Sam has a set of exercises that Janine has marked up as 'useful training for working on Abel's farmland'. He isn't sure where she got the post-it notes. Maybe she's been hoarding them? The first exercise is Forward Lunges, perfect for picking fruit and berries. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and take a big step forward with your right foot. Lower your hips towards the ground, bending both knees, and keeping your right shin vertical, and taking your left heel off the ground. Then go back to the starting position, and do it again. Make sure that you don't hurt yourself! 30 seconds for each leg. Good job. Now keep moving while Sam plays some music!
That song always puts a smile on Sam's face. He keeps finding himself looking for things that make him smile, and is grateful to be able to see outside at the moment. Unfortunately, Runner 18 is stuck in a crypt! He's going to play some music. Why not try air-drumming along to it!
Here's an exercise that should get you ready to help set the strawberry nets to keep the birds out. To do Inchworms, stand straight up, feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Then bend over to put your hands on the floor in front of you, as close to your feet as you can. Walk your hands forward until you're in a Plank position, and then walk them back until you can stand up. One minute of these! Then you can do gentle movement, or rest, while Sam plays more music.
That last verse reminds Sam of Runner 24 and her funny stories. Sam thinks about the last time he did things like ride a bus or go to a restaurant before the apocalypse. He hadn't noticed how nice it was to do things like that until they were gone. Why not have a dance and think about how you'll dance together again soon.
Time for the final 'big exercise' of the day, with some Backward Lunges! Sam tells you that apparently they mimic moving logs into place to construct an animal pen. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then take a big step backwards with your right leg. Bend your knees, lowering your hips towards the floor and keeping your left shin vertical. 30 seconds with each leg. And just think about those tiny baby goats enjoying the animal pen! Good job. Try stretching out or doing some gentle dancing or more lunges if you feel up to them.
Sam mentions that there is a magpie outside the comms shack. He remembers Runner 30 feeding it. He reminisces about his runners when the magpie flies away. Sam misses all the runners, but even the biggest horde can't last forever, and you'll see each other again. When you get together, this will be the first song you play.
Just thinking about next time you get to dance together makes Sam feel so much better. It feels like forever right now, but there will be a next time. One day there will be buses again too, and restaurants. And the situation shows how much people still need each other. Maybe when this is over, people won't forget so easily. Look after yourself, and stay safe out there!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman