Peter's Movie Nights (and Days)

Movie marathons were never this risky! Trapped in the projection box, Peter keeps his spirits up with a cult classic.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Peter is broadcasting from a small cinema a few miles away from Abel where he's been trapped in the projection box. The auditorium is full of zombies, but as long as he keeps a film playing, they're too fixated on that to go looking for him. Janine suggested that he use his fitness experience to lead a workout. Start by doing some dancing to get yourself warmed up!
Peter had wanted to watch the film together, so it could bring people together, but now they're all separated. Except for the zombies of course. But that doesn't mean you can't exercise together as a team! First up is Jumping Jacks. Stand with your feet together, and your arms by your sides. Then jump, spreading your legs and arms while you're in the air. Then jump back to the starting position. If you can't jump, try some more dance moves to keep yourself moving. Ready, go!
Well done runners! Peter hopes that everyone ismanaging to eat okay. Everyone has had to improviseduring the apocalypse, and he's found it healthier to not worry about the perfect diet, and just focus on how food makes him feel. And popcorn while watching a movie feels pretty good! The next exercise is Bodyweight Squats, good for building leg muscles. Do those for one minute, or as long as you can comfortably manage.
Peter admits that before the apocalypse, and for a while after it, he was pretty proud of his body, but he's come to realise that the best thing you can do is just have a good relationship with your body. Anything that stops runners doing their job, such as an injury, can make them feel down, but you need to be kind to your body. A little exercise can help with this, so why not try some Chair Dips? If these aren't an option, punches are a greatupper body alternative. One minute of these, then reward yourself with some gentle dancing!
The film got terrible reviews but became a cult classic. In the same way, people have become used to making the best of things. Peter only has a tiny window to stick his armout of for vitamin D, but that just means no chance of sunburn! But if your situation feels overwhelming, sometimes the last thing you want to do is exercise, so he's always told people to just concentrate on being in your body, and on how normal movement feels. Lets try some High Knees for one minute. March on the spot, aiming to bring your knees to waist height, and pump your arms.
Peter supposes that the film is a bit silly, but it's so sincere he can't help but root for the heroes. The whole cast is on screen for the big finale now. Peter tells you that if you smile while you exercise you actually feel better. You should try it for your dance cool down. You're here, you're alive and you deserve to feel good.
The film has reached the end, and everyone has agreed to work together to save the world. Peter says that's lifted his spirits, but he should go and find another film to play before the zombies start looking for something more interesting, like him. Until next time.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman