Peter's Fitness Montage

Trapped in a cinema with only films for company, Peter has developed a new film inspired fitness plan to keep himself occupied.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Peter is back! He's still stuck in the cinema and has to play movies to keep the zombies in the auditorium occupied. He found a playlist of all of the Rocky movies in the cinema's digital archive, but the playlist got stuck and he's had to watch them for eight days straight. It has given him an idea for a workout though - boxing! Get warmed up with some stretches or running on the spot.
Being stuck in one place has given Peter a new perspective on things. Don't think of it as a lockdown, think of it as an extended indoor fitness training montage. Start out with some push-ups because those always seemed to work for Rocky. Get down on all fours with your hands just over shoulder width apart. Straighten your body as though you're doing a plank, and lower yourself to the ground by bending your elbows, then push yourself back up again. If this is too hard, feel free to support yourself on knees and lower legs instead of tiptoes. One minute of these! Well done. Keep doing Push Ups during the break if you can, or rest if you need it.
Peter has a terrible confession - he's starting to miss the Rocky movies. Janine has told him to emphasise that the goal today is fitness not fighting. Abel Runners will always do their best to avoid conflict, but if you do end up in a fight, dodging is as important as punching. So you'll be practicing Side-to-Side Hops. Balance on one foot with your knees and arms bent, then hop to the side and land on the ball of your other foot. If this is painful, then try sidesteps instead! 45 seconds, go! Now it's time to take a break because after this the workout really gets going!
That song always reminds Peter of a bad breakup. You hear a thumping noise, and Peter says that he's been hearing some disturbing noises like something is crawling through the ventilation shafts, although those shouldn't be big enough for a zombie. Good thing he has exercises to distract him! Next up is punches! Plant your feet diagonally, shoulder width apart and knees bent, with your dominant foot behind you. Start with Jabs. Punch out, making sure your knuckles are up. One minute of these, and try to alternate your stance so you can try with both arms. Good job! Remember, punching zoms is a last resort, but it's good for working out your frustrations.
Peter has seen a few tough idiots get infected by punching zoms, so its a good idea to wrap your hands if you can. The aim is to knock the zombie down so you can run. So lets try punches with more power - Hooks and Uppercuts! Start in your boxing position. For an Uppercut, bend your knees and rotate your body in the direction of your lead arm. Push off your lead calf, and punch upward with your lead arm. You should feel the power in the punch! For a Hook, from your stand, shift your weight to your lead foot, while swinging your lead fist in an inward horizontal arc, and move your shoulder forward. Try a mixture of these for a minute! Good job! You hear another thump from the air vent, and Peter can see a shadow moving there. He's going to go confront the monster while you keep moving!
It turns out the noise wasn't a zombie. It was a scrawny little fox which is now sitting in the corner. You hear growling from the fox. Perhaps it isn't as friendly as it looks. Peter thanks you for being there and giving him the courage to check out the vent. He's going to find scraps to feed the fox. Sometimes it's better to make friends than to fight. Take care of yourselves! And if you know how to undelete a playlist, let him know! He's rather missing Rocky!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman