Round Robin

Essential maintenance is taking Abel off air for a while, but there's still time for one last set of exercises and a few heartfelt messages.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Sam worries that even if he tells himself that things are going to be okay, he can't know that for sure. But for now he knows that he is safe at Abel with Janine. And he knows that Jody is safe in the warehouse, and you, Five, are eating surprisingly good self-heating food in the camping store. Peter is safe in the cinema and Phil is in New Canton. Everyone's okay. But they're having to stop broadcasting for two or three weeks to do essential maintenance. This means it's the last workout together for a while. Better make the most of it!
Sam isn't sure why he feels so upset. It isn't as though everyone will be less safe while you can't hear each other. And you'll have so many things to talk about. The Abel vegetable patch is doing well. There are some beans that have grown from tiny seedlings to about a metre tall in two weeks. In honour of that, the first exercise is Forward Lunges, perfect for picking those beans. One minute of those! And after the next song, there'll be a bit of a surprise.
Welcome to the first simultaneous broadcast from Abel personnel. Peter has Sam on Rofflenet telling him to stop asking if its working. Today you're going to hear from Peter, Janine, and Phil, and Sam has told them to do their signature moves. Peter's isn't fit for the public though so you'll have to make do with Rocky inspired Jabs! A minute of those. You can't punch the zombie virus, but Peter wishes he could. Sam has given him free reign over the next song. Keep punching, or try dancing during it.
Hello Citizens! Phil is here broadcasting from New Canton. Zoe is speaking to him and laughing over the radio. Phil thinks she must like being on the floor getting covered in cat hair. In honour of Zoe's position on the floor, you'll be doing Sit Ups! Be careful not to strain your back, and descend in a controlled manner. Keep doing these for one minute. Good job, but Phil feels tired just thinking about it. Zoe has promised that she's going to have rock solid abs by the time he sees her again. It's nice to think about all the things you'll have to talk about when you're back together again. Phil thinks he'll know how much he misses Zoe when she isn't there, but don't tell her that! Try some more Sit Ups or dance during the music!
Janine had intended to use her segment to explain in detail the maintenance work that will be taking them off air. However Sam persuaded her to say something a bit more heartfelt - She is proud of you all. No-one was prepared for this a few weeks ago, but everyone has risen to the challenge with courage and grace and you should be proud of yourself. For Janine's exercise, you will be doing Wall Sits! Rest your lower back against the wall, then bend your knees as though sitting down. Then hold that position for one minute! Janine thinks it is a perfect metaphor for the current situation - it's simple but not easy, but by doing it we get stronger. Janine knows we will come through this together. Now for a song from Janine's personal motivational collection!
Sam has been doing those exercises too, and is wiped out. Good job for keeping up with them, Five! He swears that his bean plants get bigger every time he looks at them. Life is irrepressible. The zombie virus didn't stop it, and neither will comms maintenance. We're all reaching out for connection, and we don't know when we'll get it, but one day soon there'll be something solid to grasp onto. He doesn't want to click the button to end the broadcast, so he's going to sit here for a while and remind himself that you're all still there. We'll be back soon.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Phil Cheeseman
Felix Trench
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman