Drone On

A salvaged military drone gives Janine an idea. But a lack of sleep and spare wires could lead to disaster. Can she pull it off?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Janine is hard at work and broadcasting from Abel's workshop. You'll need some items for today's workout: two or more tins, two bags with strong handles and a chair. Get yourself warmed up by jogging on the spot. The first exercise is Seated Leg Raises, if you have the space and a chair. Carry on jogging if not. Sit upright in the chair with your feet on the floor then extend one leg horizontally in front of you for a few seconds, then return your foot to the floor. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch legs. Janine is still hard at work salvaging old wiring.
Janine carries on working – she's fixing a military drone found nearby. Next exercise for you is Torso Twists. Put at least one tin in each bag and hold them close to your chest. Rotate from the waist from one side then the other for one minute. Janine has nearly fixed the drone! Doctor Myers is concerned she's been going without sleep to get it finished. She needs to concentrate on the delicate wiring around the battery.
Bouts of illness have meant other settlements pleading for supplies. Working in the workshop is keeping Janine calm. Incline Press Ups are the next exercise – use stairs if you have them. Adopt the plank position with your hands on the second or third step and hold each press up for a couple of seconds. If you have no stairs, stand in front of a wall and do push ups against that instead. One minute of these! The drone is ready for launch but doesn't have a lot of fuel. Janine has a plan.
Sam is broadcasting while Janine launches the remote-controlled drone. Planking is up next – adopt the plank position for a minute. The drone is launched! It's drifting over the horde... but not attacking? It's heading towards Naxdale Settlement and losing altitude. Sam's going to check if everything's alright.
No contact from Janine – she must be busy. Better get on with the next exercise: Inchworming. Stand with feet hip-width apart, then hinge from the hips and put your hands on the floor. Walk your hands forwards into a plank position, keeping your abs engaged. Then reverse that until you're standing again. One minute of these. The drone is down! It's crashed directly into Naxdale Settlement! Let's hope Naxdale don't think we're attacking them. This might be bad.
Janine is back on the line – Her plan was never for the drone to attack the horde! She had loaded it with medical supplies. Janine instructs Naxdale to take one eighth of the supplies and to fix the drone so it can fly to other settlements. It will self-destruct if anyone tries to take more than their fair share. Hang tight everyone – help is coming.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman