Making Plans for Nadia

Things have been tough in New Canton lately, but Nadia is still showing up with some seated workouts to keep you going.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Nadia is here to take you through some exercises she does when she's managing comms. Sorry it's not a more exciting introduction; it's been a tough few weeks at New Canton. Some runners decided to charge the superhorde and they lost people. If you've lost someone, or if you're just having a hard time at the moment, you should feel proud for just turning up! She's put together some feel-good songs to listen to while you get warmed up.
It's Nadia's job to keep people alive. If someone who wants to keep you safe gives you an order like 'stay away from that giant horde of zoms' she thinks it should be followed. But being angry at her runners doesn't make it any easier to lose them. And blindly following orders isn't always good. All you can do is apply common sense, so when there's evidence that an order will protect you, it's good to follow it. For example, do some Bicep Curls for one minute! This next song is a favourite of Nadia's. She hates being told to 'stay positive', but 'keep going' is a message she can get behind.
Nadia can understand why the runners disobeyed orders. In a place like New Canton, all the restrictions can feel oppressive. But the next set of instructions will help you get the most out of exercise while keeping you safe from injury. Let's try some Chest Squeezes. Sit upright, with your head, heart, and pelvis in a straight line, and keep your abs engaged. If you've got a ball or weights, hold the object at chest level, and squeeze your hands. Slowly push your hands forward until your elbows are straight, but keep squeezing. One minute of this. Good work everyone!
Sometimes it's nice to have other people decide things for you, even if it's just songs on a playlist. Decisions use up mental resources, especially in an apocalypse. You don't have to make any decisions about what exercise to do next, because Nadia has decided for you. One minute of Seated Leg-Raises. Nice going! Time for another happy song while Nadia remembers Runner 24 and his love of dancing.
Nadia can help herself out by making plans for future Nadia. She likes to plan our exactly when she's going to exercise, read, and socialise. Finite blocks of time for socialising can be really helpful if you find it hard. Speaking of finite blocks of time, one minute of Punches! Punches make Nadia feel like she can take on the world. Keep punching, or have a rest during the next song!
When things are hardest, it can feel weird or self-indulgent to do something fun. But you can't look after other people if you aren't taking care of yourself. If you find it hard to allow yourself time to relax, it can help to make a routine where you schedule time specifically for yourself. Give your future self permission to have some fun, like dancing to this next song!
Someone's sent Nadia a letter about streamlining New Canton's recreation policies. There's going to be a free-form dance session every Tuesday night in honour of Runner 24. It's hard to put together rules for thousands of people at the best of times, let alone when there's a superhorde. All you can do is your best. Keep looking after yourself listeners!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Nadia al Hannaki
Jennifer Tan
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman