
You're on the path of the mysterious stranger in Spectrum Mall, but is there more going on than meets the eye?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
The person you saw on Thurman's floor of Spectrum Mall is back and you're going to find out what's going on. They can pass through the zombie horde, but always head inside when it rains. Maybe the zombies are deterred by something they're wearing that can wash off? The plan is to use the mall's sprinkler system to drive the person into the attached conference centre so you can talk to them. You'll need to activate the sprinklers by burning something under the smoke detectors. Try doing Star Jumps to spread that smoke around! The alarm starts and the sprinklers begin to drench you with cold water. Keep doing Star Jumps to warm up!
You've found the control room. The controls are a bit decayed so you'll need to use the manual override by doing Crunches. Great job! Mr Invisible is heading back towards the bulkhead. Sam will keep an eye on him!
Mr Invisible has reached the bulkhead door and he doesn't seem happy. Sam tries broadcasting to him again, but he flicks his fingers at the camera and it turns off. When Sam sees him again he's heading for you. You need to try to box him in. Grab that crank handle and do some bicep curls. Good job! He's trapped. Now head down there to speak to him.
The conference centre is a bit eerie. Sam can't see Mr Invisible right now, but you can check through the fire door windows. Wait, the lift on the other side of the building started moving, and Mr Invisible isn't where you trapped him anymore! He's gone up eight floors, and the lift he used is full of zombies. You'll need to start climbing! Good job, the zombies are trapped on the floor below. Take a look around and see if there's another way out.
You'll need to go through the laser tag area. Mr Invisible is on the other side of the arena. He unleashes the cleaning machine along with a bunch of crawling zombies. Kick the covering off the nearby vent and Commando Crawl forward – lie on your front, knees out to each side, and use your forearms and knees to crawl through the vent. Great! Get out of the vent, drop into the room below, and stretch out.
You're safe for now. The zombies are wedged in the vent and can't move. There's a bedroom ahead of you if you want to rest. You hear a knock on the glass, and you see Artemus Thurman who says that it isn't over yet. He doesn't look a day older than when he died... thirty years ago!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Thurman Interface
Jon Chew
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman