Zoe on the Run

Hello Citizens! Zoe's on a supply run, Phil is keeping an eye on the zoms, and you? You're the moral support.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Phil is on the radio station roof erecting a tarpaulin. He tells you that Zoe has ventured out now the horde has died down a little, to fetch some much-needed supplies. He's going to keep watch in case he can help her. He is startled by a noise, but it's just the wind! That's left him shaking, so try shaking as well to get yourself warmed up!
Phil has spotted Zoe sneaking into the pet shop. Maybe if you do the movements with her, it'll help will her along. First up, Side-to-Side Shuffle! If you want to push yourself, imagine you're grabbing something from the very top shelf when you get to each end of the shuffle. Good job! Try to find a couple of tins or filled water bottles ready for the next exercise!
Phil can see some zoms in the distance and they seem to be heading in Zoe's direction. He hopes that Zoe hurries up. Grab the tins that you have for now, and do some Bicep Curls! Good job. Always remember that impromptu weights can be hurled at zombies to give you time to run in the other direction.
Zoe has emerged, carrying a truly enormous amount of stuff in her pack. She needs to start moving quickly though, and might need a plan B if she's too weighted down with those supplies. The next exercise is the next best thing to making a dash for it - High Knees! It's an excellent way to avoid having your ankles bitten by crawlers. Good job!
Phil can see some zoms ahead that Zoe can't. Grab something to wave and make some noise as you do Jumping Jacks to get her attention! It's a big movement and their agreed-upon signal. She seems to have spotted you and is changing direction. Phil's going to check if there are any messages from her on Rofflenet.
Zoe's arrived back at her menagerie and is safe there with her supplies. She's sent a thank you message for the Jumping Jacks; they really did catch her attention. You're a genuine life-saver!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Phil Cheeseman
Felix Trench
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman