The Game Has Changed

It's imperative you're not caught on this secret mission to get the word out about the Minister, however there are many obstacles in your way.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Back above ground no-one can make sense of why anyone would release a zombie virus into the world. Janine believes if you can get your evidence to General Bakari he'll help spread word of the Minister's actions.
Nadia's well-trained New Canton runners act as a distraction while you make a break for it. The Ministry's targeting them with a tank, so this mission had better count.
You're coming up to the forest where the zombie cult used to be and Sam's patriotism is showing. He's upset the Minister's claiming Abel's residents are traitors to their country, after having destroyed it herself.
Nadia's hidden in the forest keeping an eye on the route ahead and as you start to lose the signal from Abel she takes over as operator. You're not completely alone though - Moonchild's back in your mind.
Moonchild's persuasion tactics no longer work on you, and Nadia directs you around some soldiers to a nearby windmill. She hopes that when this is over people will still have hope for humanity.
You'll soon be out of comms range, but Nadia's with you for as long as she can be. She reassures you right up until the soldiers find her and the last sound through her mic is gunfire.
Finally you've reached General Bakari's farmhouse base. He allows you in and believes Janine's recorded message about the Minister. Trouble is he agrees with what she did, and has orders to kill you!
The general's giving chase on a motorbike, but you use a handy tree branch and tactical expertise to knock him to the ground and trap him. Moonchild recognises his radio as an encrypted transmitter, which will be very useful.
Janine's certain the mission's failed as you return to Abel. But using the encrypted transmitter you can now overhear the Minister, and she's looking for standing stones. Sam has a flash of brilliance: the 'Six White Fingers' are standing stones, and he knows where they are!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
General Bakari
Six to Start Ensemble
Ian Golightly
Jonathan Leinmuller
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Natasha Staples
Nadia al Hannaki
Jennifer Tan
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Sigrid Hakkinen (The Minister)
Sarah Ratherham
Soldier 1
Six to Start Ensemble
Soldier 2
Six to Start Ensemble
Soldier 3
Six to Start Ensemble
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman