The Devil You Know

Amelia brings you along on a fact finding trip to Battenbury


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Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Amelia meets you in a field on your way to New Canton, but she's lured you here under false pretenses. Instead of a post delivery, she wants you to come with her to Battenbury.
Veronica surrounded Battenbury with concrete walls to keep the V-Types in. Amelia's had some steps built so you can look into the town, and notes that the V-Type virus has overridden all other zombie virus variants.
While you run, Amelia tells you how she survived the initial zombie outbreak. She pauses to test the V-types using your scarf: they're not distracted by movement, and instead continue scrabbling at the walls to get out.
Amelia continues the story of her survival, which involved setting the Glass Protocol on someone about to turn and then escaping with ANNIE's help. The V-Types seem to have spotted you now, so you keep moving.
The real reason for your visit to Battenbury is so Amelia can show V-Type behaviours. As soon as one gets your scent they all converge and swarm, working almost as one organism to reach you.
Your path runs out, and you have to split up onto separate wooden walkways. The McShell Manoeuver doesn't work, and the zombies have climbed onto your half of the walkway. You have to run!
Just in time you kick away the walkway, and escape the zombie. As expected, Amelia knew using your scarf would make the zoms chase you and not her. But she brought you here because you need to fully understand what you're up against, and suggests you tell Veronica about the McShell Manoeuver no longer being effective.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team